Friday, 6 November 2009

The Shape of Imagination

Love & Mathematics, originally uploaded by Lost Archetype.

Ok, so I stopped my pro account on Flickr some time ago, because...
well we didn't get along anymore :)

But people still visit my stream and sometimes find what they need. Some time ago my photo of the walk of fame was chosen to appear in the Schmaps city guide to LA. This time a radio station from Salt Lake City, Utah used my Love & Mathematics image from my Poetry & Photography set.

Jay... fame... sort of


Here's the poem that goes along with the picture:

Love & Mathematics

Some speak of a spark
Which ignites in the dark
When two people solve
The equation of love

But as the lights went on
Cover of darkness gone
I saw your true face
Reflected in my gaze

Fuzzy logic was applied
Our body language lied
Do I mind that nose?
Do you hate my clothes?

The laws of attraction
Do not care for perfection
As I entered your space
I thanked god the beer is so cheap in this place

Words copyright Fred Hasselman (2002)


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